“Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight, which he hath made crooked” (Eccles. 7:13). This morning, my mind has been speeding along trying to figure out an efficient way to get more into this day than is possible (at least for me), to move straight from here to there. I overslept [...]
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Devotional on March 2nd, 2011
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Predestination is a bit of a sticky subject, and not one I pretend to comprehend, but as I was reading Ephesians recently, some neat things jumped out at me. I’d love some feedback! Ephesians begins with “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every [...]
Posted in
Theology on December 12th, 2010
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“Finally be strong in the Lord.” Oh Father, strengthen me and I shall be strong. Fill me and I shall be whole. Remove from me all that hinders my walk with you. “Put on the full armor of God . . .” Lord, the battle is yours. Clothe me for it. I am your handmaiden. [...]
Why would I want to blog?
Posted in
Beginnings on August 13th, 2010
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